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My name is Miss Williams and I am the RSHE Champion at Churchfields Infants’ School.

At Churchfields, our RSHE curriculum is linked closely with our Values Based Education and Philosophy work. Our emphasis on these areas, and our daily assemblies with Year 1 and 2, mean that our pupils can access RSHE lessons with developing maturity, consideration towards the feelings of others and careful reflection.

Much of our RSHE work is guided by age-appropriate and engaging texts. This helps to promote discussion and ensures that themes are relevant and accessible for all pupils.

We use the Redbridge syllabus to guide how we deliver Relationship, Sex and Health Education lessons within school, and we consulted with our families and other stakeholders prior to implementation. This has enabled content to be carefully adapted and means that it is tailored to our individual school and demographic.

As a result of their RSHE education at Churchfields Infants' School, children leave with the knowledge and understanding to be able to play an active role in today’s diverse world. Pupils respect themselves and others, showing positive self-esteem, and can manage their emotions carefully. They are open-minded and appreciate difference, and they aspire to grow and learn in the widest sense.

Churchfields, South Woodford, London, E18 2RB

0208 505 0386