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Welcome to Churchfields Infants' School Maths page


My name is Miss Nicholson and I am the Maths Curriculum Champion

Our intention is that the children in Year Two at our school will be able to solve a Mathematical word problem by reading the words carefully and then knowing which type of calculation they will need to do, being fluent in their skills across all four operations and using the most efficient strategy.  They will explain their reasoning, why they think something could be right or wrong, what patterns they have spotted or what facts they already know.  These children will be able and confident mathematicians, happy to join in during Maths lessons that are carefully planned to engage all pupils, whether that is in the classroom or within our environment outside.


However, this does not happen in one year!  On starting at our school, in either Nursery or Reception, they will explore many mathematical concepts through their play.  With appropriate interventions from adults, they may never know that some very important learning takes place!  Our staff will have planned and resourced child initiated activities for the children and will work with them in small groups for focus tasks.  Their learning will involve the use of many concrete resources so that the children will be able to handle objects to sort them, to describe them, to count them, to measure or weigh them.  They will have the opportunity to look at pictorial representations of objects before moving on to seeing and using abstract symbols.

Our children’s learning continues through Year One, where they will consolidate their addition and subtraction skills, using bigger numbers and moving on to using different strategies, including the number line.  These children will be developing the vocabulary needed to talk about what they are doing and to explain their thinking.  They will begin using their number skills to solve simple problems using the appropriate skills, strategies and resources.


The impact of our teaching on our children’s learning journeys will be seen, as the vast majority of them will be 'working at the expected level', with a great many of them also working 'at greater depth' across the maths curriculum.  Most importantly, we will have begun equipping them with the mathematical skills needed in everyday life.




Churchfields, South Woodford, London, E18 2RB

0208 505 0386