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Inclusion and SEND

Welcome to Churchfields Infants' School Inclusion page

"Churchfields Infants' School continues to be a shining example of inclusive practice. All children and staff are seen as individuals with their own talents, interests, and needs. The Headteacher, SENCo, and all staff are passionate about Inclusion and value their Flagship status." (IQM Flagship Review November 2023)

Mrs BeckMy name is Mrs Emma Beck and I am the Inclusion Manager for our school.  This role includes being the Special Educational Needs Coordinator.

Here at Churchfields Infants’, we strive to follow the principles of full inclusion and we work hard to realise them.  We aim to place children at the centre of all we do in the hope that they realise their full potential, however that looks for them.  Alongside my SEN Governor, Mr Walter Guerrero, and our Headteacher, we review policy and practice in line with the Borough’s agreed guidelines and the 'Special Needs Code of Practice'.  All children identified as having special needs receive support in school in line with this policy and parents are informed of all progress at regular review meetings.  The policy is available in this section of the website alongside our SEN report.


Mrs BeckI am proud to say that our school has been successful in implementing its policy and the children with special needs here at Churchfields are given the best possible support that we can offer in order to help them to develop and thrive whilst with us.  We monitor and track progress through Individual Plans and our assessment arrangements have helped the school to identify children with special needs and provide early support.  Our close relationships with external support services, eg Educational Psychology and Outreach teachers, enable us to continue to grow and learn as staff, and help us to provide the best that we can for the vulnerable children in our care. 

Every endeavour is made to ensure that pupils with disabilities in the school are included fully and appropriately through promoting respect and tolerance for others and maintaining a well-ordered environment.  We strive to support children with disabilities, providing them with an appropriate individualised and balanced curriculum and the opportunity to be fully involved in the life of the school.


What do parents think?

In our IQM Flagship Review in 2022 one parent discussed with our assessor why she chose Churchfields Infants' School for her child.

"A parent whose child came to school with an EHCP spoke eloquently about the welcome and support that her family and son get from the school, particularly the SEND department. She praised the SENCo as being very proactive, empathetic and skilled." (IQM Flagship Review November 2023)


An example of a child on an intervention



We have so many interventions here at Churchfields, no two look the same! For more details, look at our SEND report and the SEND policy. 



Specialist Education and Training Support Service (SEaTSS)

For those parents who do not know, SEaTSS is a specialist SEND advisory service supporting children and young people aged from 0-25 years. They link closely with health and other professionals in Redbridge.

As a service, they offer a wide range of SEND support, advice and training opportunities for schools and settings to enable them to deliver high quality, inclusive education. They also provide advice and support for individual children with SEND and their families so that all are equipped to understand and meet an individual’s needs.

We have a range of support and advice from SEaTTS staff and this is always beneficial to us, the children and parents.

Please find the information below and links to access ideas and support should this be of use to you and your child:

1. Social Media

S.E.a.T.S.S are on social media and aim to upload short reels and information 2-3 times a week. 


2. Parent training

SEaTTs organise separate primary and secondary sessions for parents in the daytime and the evenings too. Training is FREE for Redbridge parents. 

Please click on the 'Event Flyer' attachment below.


Churchfields, South Woodford, London, E18 2RB

0208 505 0386