On Tuesday we held a special assembly for Year 1 and Year 2 led by Mrs Paczynska, our history leader, to launch our school's 150th birthday celebration.
Happy New Year and welcome back to school. We hope that you had a relaxing break.
I am impressed how quickly the children have settled back into their learning. During the first hour back, I received visits from a number of children in Reception for fabulous writing using their phonics skills. A...
We are so proud of our children who performed magnificently in their Christmas concerts this week. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and for supporting the children. Thank you to the staff team have worked very hard to prepare concerts.
Today was our Day Glow Day, which is an integral part of our Road Safety Week. Children have been learning how to stay safe on the roads, especially as the evenings are darker when the children leave school.
Our Year 2 children had a wonderful time visiting the Cenotaph and special landmarks in central London as part of our Geography topic. The visit enabled the children to develop their mapping skills and also provided the opportunity to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features of our...
On 12th November, millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains around the world celebrated Diwali, the festival of light. Diwali is celebrated for 5 days and remembers the story of Rama and Sita, the spiritual victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Many people celebrate by lighting oil and candle...
Wow! We have been so inspired by the wide range of heroes who came to school today. As you know we place huge emphasis on our values as part of our wider curriculum and today has provided the opportunity for our children and staff to consider values such as resilience, cooperation, care, kindness an...
Tours of the School
We encourage prospective parents to visit us, so you can decide if this is the school for your child. Our tours for children starting Reception in September 2024 will take place from October - December 2023. Please see below for dates and times. We deliberately host our...
A big warm welcome to all our Year 2, Year 1, Reception and Nursery children on their first week back to school.
Please see our photo gallery for more photos.
In June, the call went out for volunteers to help improve several areas of our outdoor environment. The response from our families was amazing and on Saturday 15th July we held our first Churchfields Infants’ Community Day.
Please go to our Photo Gallery for more photos.
All children and staff gathered in Y2 playground today to perform a selection of our dances. It was lovely to have the whole school together keeping fit, developing coordination and having fun.
Why don’t you ask your child to teach you some of our dances at home!
Please see our pho...